SAVE THE DATE - Thursday, November 6, 2025 for the 10th Annual Beans and Brews
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Together We Deliver


Meals on Wheels of Rocky Mount is committed to serving the homebound senior citizens of Rocky Mount a hot nutritious meal and providing a caring friendly visit with each meal.

Get In Touch

Looking for a great way for your organization or group to give back to your community and build a sense of team?

How You Can Help

Deliver Meals once a month. It only takes about one hour to deliver a meal route.

Make the holidays brighter for our homebound seniors by participating in our holiday and special events each year.

Promote MOW by identifying seniors in the community who need our meals.

Give your time and talent as a MOW Board of Directors member.

Make a monetary donation to MOW. More funding allows us to serve more seniors.

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Images copyrighted by Garry Hodges Sunset Studios LLC Rocky Mount, NC

Click here to see more event photos.

DeLeon Carter Foundation provides gift to feed seniors.


Meals on Wheels of Rocky Mount announced a recent grant received from the DeLeon Carter Foundation to support the Meals on Wheels Frozen Food Program. This program provides frozen meals to seniors in crisis situations and seniors on the Meals on Wheels waiting list. This grant will enable Meals on Wheels to provide over 1000 meals to these seniors in need. The DeLeon Carter Foundation was established in 1987 by the late Myrtle Henry Carter. Since it began making grants in 1997, the DeLeon Carter Foundation has given over $900,000 in much needed grants.

Pictured from left to right: DeLeon Carter Foundation Board Past Chair Gus Tulloss, Board Vice Chair Joe Edwards, III, Board Director Pam Larimer, Meals on Wheels Board Vice Chair Ben Carter, DeLeon Carter Foundation Board Chair & Treasurer George Whitaker, Meals on Wheels Executive Director Jan Warren, Meals on Wheels Board President Mike Varnell, DeLeon Carter Foundation Board Secretary Lank Dunton, and Trustee Vince Durham.

Davenport Autopark support of Meals on Wheels.

Davenport Autopark

Thank you so much to Davenport Autopark for their support of Meals on Wheels. Their Community for Life program is an amazing help to nonprofits in our community. Thank you for being a true community leader!! We really appreciate it!

More Than Just A Meal

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Meals on Wheels of Rocky Mount

(252) 446-4336
PO Box 7611
153 N. Church Street
Rocky Mount, NC 27804